19 results for “PCICC”

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  • ICC talks long overdue – PCICC

    Media Quote The Philippines Coalition for the International Criminal Court (PCICC) responding to the news that the Philippines Government though the Depeartment of Justice (DOJ) is open to limiited cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) into alleged crimes against humanity committed under the “war on drugs”, Dr. Aurora Parong, Co-Chairperson and Spokesperson of PCICC…

  • PCICC urges legislators to support House Resolution on ICC Probe

    Media Quote Responding to news that Representatives Bienvenido Abante and Ramon Gutierrez filed House Resolution 1477, urging Philippine government agencies to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in conducting an investigation into possible crimes against humanity in the campaign against drugs, Dr. Aurora Parong, Co-Chairperson of the Philippine Coalition for the International Criminal Court…

  • No violation to the issue of complementarity, PCICC tells Palace

    PCICC responding to Malacañan Palace’s statement on the OTP request to the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber to resume probe in the Philippines, Atty. Ray Paolo J. Santiago, PCICC spokesperson said: “The PCICC welcomes the ICC Prosecutor’s application to resume the investigation into the situation in the Philippines as a step towards justice for the thousands of…

  • PCICC: Ph gov’t uncertainty shown in request to defer ICC probe

    Media Quote Responding to the news that International Criminal Court Prosecutor granted the Philippine government’s request to defer its investigation into the situation in the Philippines, Dr. Aurora Parong, Philippine Coalition on the International Criminal Court (PCICC) Co-Chairperson said: “The Philippine government’s request to ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor asking it to defer its investigations…

  • PCICC: Prosecutor Khan’s promise to uncover truth, ensure accountability on Ph war on drugs commendable

    Philippine Coalition on the International Criminal Court Media Quote Responding to the statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, following judicial authorization to commence an investigation into the situation in the Philippines, PCICC Co-Chairperson and Spokesperson, Dr. Aurora Parong said: “The quick response of ICC Prosecutor, Kharim Khan, ordering his…

  • Roque’s statements on SC decision on Ph ICC withdrawal, misleading – PCICC

    Media Quote PCICC responding to Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque’s statement on 18 March that there is ‘uncontroverted proof that domestic legal and judicial processes are functioning normally in our country’ in welcoming the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss plea seeking to declare as invalid the Philippine withdrawal from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal…

  • PCICC welcomes ICC report on Ph probe

    On the International Criminal Court’s release of its Report on Preliminary Examination Activities 2020, stating that the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) anticipates reaching a decision on whether to seek authorization to open an investigation into the situation in the Philippines in the first half of 2021, Philippine Coalition on the International Criminal Court (PCICC)…


    Philippine Coalition for the International Criminal Court (PCICC)Public Statement15 January 2025 The Philippine Coalition for the International Criminal Court (PCICC) welcomes the House Quad Committee’s recommendation to prosecute Former President Duterte and other high officials of the government who have been responsible for the systematic and massive extrajudicial killings in our country. However, we remain…

  • Slow justice, impunity reigns in the country

    Statement of the Philippine Coalition for the International Criminal Court (PCICC) on World Justice Day 17 July 2024 July 17 is the World Day of International Justice. We note with great concern the continuing reality that justice for serious crimes remains out of reach for many victims in various parts of the world. Impunity for…

  • Rejoining ICC shows Ph commitment to justice and accountability

    Media Quote Responding to news that President Marcos Jr. said in an interview that the Philippines might be rejoining the ICC, Atty. Ray Paolo Santiago, PCICC Co-Chairperson and Spokesperson said: “The PCICC welcomes the statement of President Marcos Jr. that the Philippine government is considering rejoining the ICC. Being a member of the ICC manifests…


    PHILIPPINE COALITION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (PCICC) Significance of the Appeals Chamber Decision We highly welcome the International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber decision rejecting and dismissing the appeal of the Philippine government to stop the investigation of the Philippine situation by the ICC. We have been waiting for this decision. The families of…

  • ICC decisions give hope for Justice

    Statement of the Philippine Coalition for the International Criminal Court (PCICC) The PCICC highly welcomes the laudable decisions of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) allowing victims to give their views and concerns on this appeal and rejecting the request for suspensive effect of the appeal filed by the Philippine government. They…