ICC talks long overdue – PCICC

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The Philippines Coalition for the International Criminal Court (PCICC) responding to the news that the Philippines Government though the Depeartment of Justice (DOJ) is open to limiited cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) into alleged crimes against humanity committed under the “war on drugs”, Dr. Aurora Parong, Co-Chairperson and Spokesperson of PCICC said:

“The openness of the Department of Justice to talk with the ICC and look at possible areas of cooperation for justice is long overdue. This should be fast tracked towards complete Philippine cooperation with the ICC for the sake of the victims and their families. Justice must be delivered both in the Philippines and at the international level. We hope the possibility of US sanctions against the ICC will not affect the effort to deliver justice here and at the ICC.

The openness of the Department of Justice to talk with the ICC and look at possible areas of cooperation for justice is long overdue. This should be fast tracked towards complete Philippine cooperation with the ICC for the sake of the victims and their families. Justice must be delivered both in the Philippines and at the international level.

“Secretary Remulla’s statement to possibly cooperate with the ICC is also not enough. We are continually troubled by the persistent killings, decades long injustice, and impunity. State sanctioned murders do not have a place in a supposed democratic country thus direct perpetrators and those who made the widespread killings in the war on drugs possible must be made accountable.

In addition, the Philippine government should:

1. Dismantle the death squads in order to stop the violent and deadly attacks on people and communities

2. Replace the current bloody and punitive policy and law on drugs with a rights-based policy and a public health approach

3. Eradicate the culture of impunity and build a culture of human rights among the police, government officials, and the people

“The human cost of ‘death squad justice’ is immense with massive loss of lives, families suffer from emotional damage, stigma, and discrimination. The Philippine government should lead the nation to undergo a cultural transformation to respect human lives and rights as well as ensure remedies for wrongs.”